Appleton City Public Library

Library Bylaws

Appleton City Public Library Board of Trustees Bylaws

Appleton City Public Library Board of Trustees Bylaws


Adopted March 1996, amended Dec. 2001, Jan. 2003, Feb. 2010, Jan. 2015, and Sept. 2020

Article I: Name

The organization shall be called “The Board of Trustees of the Appleton City Public Library”, existing by

virtue of the provisions of Chapter 3 Section 182.145 of the laws of the state of Missouri, and exercising

the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under said statute.

Article II: Board of Trustees

Section 1. Trustees of this library will be appointed and hold their office in accordance with the laws of

Missouri; that no member has received or is receiving compensation as such; that no member of the city

government is a member of the Board, except in those cities where the library is maintained from city


Section 2. Board members shall serve a term of three years. No member will serve more than three

terms without an intervening absence from the board of two years. Board members are to attend board

meetings and approved projects. Members who miss more than 6 in a fiscal year, except for an

emergency absence, will be replaced by another appointed member. (Effective July 2003)

Article III: Officers

Section 1. The officers shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer, elected from

among appointed trustees at the annual meeting of the board.

Section 2. A nomination committee shall be appointed by the president three months prior to the

annual meeting, who will present a slate of officers at the annual meeting. Additional nominations may

be made from the floor.

Section 3. Officers shall serve a term of three years from the annual meeting at which they are elected

and/or until their successors are dully elected.

Section 4. The president, shall preside at all meetings of the board, authorize calls for any special

meetings, appoint all committees, execute all documents authorized by the board, serve as ex-officio

voting members of all committees and generally perform all duties associated with that office.

Section 5. The vice president, in the event of the absence or disability of the president, or of a vacancy in

that office, shall assume and perform the duties and functions of the president.

Section 6. The secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of all meetings of the board, shall issue

notice of all regular and special meetings and shall perform such other duties as are generally associated

with that office.

Section 7. The treasurer shall be the disbursing officer of the board, sign all checks, and shall perform

such duties as generally devolve upon the office. He/She shall be bonded in an amount as may be

required by the resolution of the board. In the absences or inability of the treasurer his/her duties shall

be performed by such other members of the board as the board may designate.

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1. The regular meetings shall be held each month at 4:00 pm. on the second Thursday in the

Appleton City Public Library. (The date and hour to be set by the board at the annual meeting).


Appleton City Public Library Board of Trustees Bylaws


Adopted March 1996, amended Dec. 2001, Jan. 2003, Feb. 2010, Jan. 2015, and Sept. 2020

Section 2. The annual meeting, which shall be for the purpose of the election of officers and the

adoption of an annual report, shall be held at the time of the regular meeting in July of each year.

Section 3. The order of business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following

items, which shall be covered in the sequence shown so far as circumstances will permit:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Disposition of minutes of previous regular/special meetings
  3. Financial report of the library
  4. Action on bills
  5. Progress and service report of librarian
  6. Committee reports
  7. Communications
  8. Unfinished business
  9. New business
  10. Approved closed session
  11. Adjournment

Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the secretary at the direction of the president, or at the

request of 5 members, for the transaction of business, as stated in the call for the meeting.

Section 5. A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting shall consist of 5 members of the

board, present in person.

Section 6. Conduct of meetings: Proceedings of all members shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of


Article V: Library Staff

The board shall appoint a qualified librarian who will be under the review and direction of the board.

The librarian will recommend to the board and specify the duties of other employees and shall be held

responsible for the proper direction and supervision of the staff, for the care and maintenance of library

property, for an adequate and proper selection of books and media in keeping with the stated policy of

the board, for the efficiency of library service to the public, and for its financial operation within the

limitations of the budgeted appropriation.

Article VI: Committees

Section 1. The president shall appoint committees of one or more members each, for such purposes as

the business of the board may require from time to time. The committee shall be considered to be

discharged upon the completion of the purpose for which it was appointed and after the final report is

made to the board.

Section 2. All committees shall make a progress report to the library board at each of its meetings.

Section 3. No committee will have other than advisory powers unless, by suitable action of the board, it

is granted specific power to act.


Appleton City Public Library Board of Trustees Bylaws


Adopted March 1996, amended Dec. 2001, Jan. 2003, Feb. 2010, Jan. 2015, and Sept. 2020

Article VII: General

Section 1. Affirmative vote of the majority of all members of the board, present at the time, shall be

necessary to approve any action before the board. The president may vote upon and move or second a

proposal before the board.

Section 2. The bylaws may be amended by the majority of all members of the board, provided written

notice of the proposed amendment shall have been delivered to all members at least 10 days prior to

the meeting at which such action is proposed to be taken.

Section 3. Any rule or resolution of the board, whether contained in these bylaws or otherwise, may be

suspended temporarily in connection with business at hand, but such suspension, to be valid, may be

taken only at a board meeting at which two-thirds of those present shall approve.

Section 4. It shall take two signatures (the signature of the president and the signature of the treasurer)

in order to be able to cash in any CD’s.


These bylaws have been amended this 9 th day of Sept. 2020

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